The new moon on 4th December opened a portal of immense intensity powered by Neptune, the Queen of water and emotion, but like a current drags up the silt, with its energy arrives waves of emotion, bringing to the surface ANXIETY, DEPRESSION and PAIN.

So, what do you see bubbling to the surface in her powerful waters?

Old wounds rising up from your past. Old loves lost. Old hurts re-examined. Grief combined with depression. Anxiety with despair.

Sometimes, so intense that you wonder if it’s worth living at all…

So today we all, unitedly turn to Mother Earth for support, for her advice on how to master these emotions. We entreat her for guidance on how to work with Neptune’s powerful energy, rather than resisting it’s flow. For that is exactly what you must do. Rather than thrash around wildly in the deep cold river of emotion carrying you along, the solution is simple but requires a great amount of control.

You must ALLOW. Allow the river to carry you. Surrender to the current, rather than fighting it and as you do the old you and the sum of its parts will be washed downstream, away from your current life. You can emerge from this river, re-invented, invigorated and strengthened.

But, two things are required.

Courage and determination.You must set an intention that you allow Neptune’s energy to wash you downriver and take away with it your pain but ALSO you must be courageous. The emotions and physical issues as we go from New Moon to Full Moon and back to New Moon will be intense.

So Mother Earth comes to our side, to support, to guide and to heal and her generous offering for us today, is the power of Herbs.

In particular –  thyme, coriander, parsley (flat leaf).

Thyme ~ has the ability to banish that  “I feel like I am coming down with something”  moment. It eases your aches and pains and brings in new energy.

Coriander ~ In ancient Egypt this amazing herb was placed in the coffins of the Emperor, to protect them on their last journey and ensure their rebirth. Today Mother Earth gives it to you to assure you of safety during your emotional journey. (If you have an allergy to Coriander see notes at the bottom)

Parsley (flat leaf) ~ Parsley is thought of a little more than a add-on to make a dish look pretty. But this powerful herb is no garnish. In its own right it can calm and dispel deep depression. It’s abilities are more powerful when combined with fresh lemon juice.

For a really powerful “concoction”, combine all three fresh herbs, crush well, add to 2 pints of boiling water with 6 teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of Manuka honey and 6 teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar and flush your body and soul with the power of this combination!

However, even taken individually any and all of these herbs will heal and support you through this deeply intense yet immensely powerful Moon cycle. Feel free to share in the comments your own healing “concoctions”!

Sending light and love to you all. Namaste.

Adrienne x

*If you have an allergy to Coriander or the family of plants it arises from then you can use a gentle organic Lavender Essential oil. Try adding to your daily routine, mixed with a little organic coconut oil and rubbed around the navel.